Monday, May 3, 2010

May budget

Here is the May budget. Keep in mind we use a zero based budget, meaning we spend every penny we earn, mostly to pay off debt faster than we would without using this method. We are not paying as much toward debt this month as normal, but that is because we have my mom in town and are allowing some extra money in there for that (you know buying dinner for 3 adults instead of 2 kind of thing). But here goes.
1st 15th Month
Income 1455 2138 3593
Income Scott 1455 1455 2910
Income MGIB 683 683
Income Carla Drill 0
Miscellaneous 0
Housing 950 0 950
Rent 950 950
Utilities 160.49 297.58 458.07
Electricity 98.09 98.09
Water 42.4 42.4
Phone 156.23 156.23
Trash 20 20
Cable/Internet 141.35 141.35
Food 0 425 425
Groceries 345 345
Eating Out 80 80
Transportation 153 263 416
Gas 80 160 240
Car Fund 30 30
Car Insurance 73 73 146
Personal 30 370 400
Present fund 30 0 30
Allowance 200 200
Scott hair cuts 60 60
Vacation Fund 50 50
Diapers and Wipes 60 60
Debts 86.51 782.42 868.93
Bank of America CC 0
Wachovia CC 86.51 65.42 151.93
Bank of America Loan 244 244
Suzuki 229 229
Yamaha 244 244
Miscelleneous 75 0 75
clothes 25 25
other 50 50
Total Income: 1455 2138 3593
Total Expenses: 1455 2138 3593
Left over for Debt Snowball 0 0 0


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