Friday, June 25, 2010

Wow- an update

So to start this post, I want to show you something cute, at least I think so.

"Look ma, NO hands."
Just as long as she doesn't do that while riding her bike, I think I'll be okay.

And then, something beautiful (I hope). This is me at my niece's junior year Military Ball. She is in NJROTC now in high school, the same NJROTC program I was in, and I wanted to be a part of a special night for her by going while visiting in Florida. And so I did. The handsome man beside me is Retired Lt Colonel Nardo, a man I am proud to look up to. He has such a sweet soul, and even though I have known him almost 10 years now (EEK, did I say that??) this is the first picture I have ever gotten with him. But now he will be someone I can point to and talk about graciously to my grandkids (grandkids, what? I JUST had a baby!).

I know it has been a while since I wrote. A long while actually, but I am going to try to get back into it. The thing is though, once I returned from Florida, I started summer school. Which means I am taking Pre-Calculus and I absolutely loathe it, but have somehow formed a very attached relationship with my book (aka studying). I am also continuing my accelerated classes at the University of Phoenix and taking another class at the community college. Add on top of my studies the search for a job, and potentially a new house to rent AND a seven month old and it makes for one busy Momma.
But on the flip side at least I am doing well in all of my classes, I might have a C in one of the three, but I am okay with that. And I have less than 80 days until I turn in my last assignment as an undergraduate student!!! HOW FLIPPIN' EXCITING IS THAT?!?!?! (It makes me want to jump for joy! It's only taken me five years to complete.) Which by the way, I am going to save my money from now until September and I am going to buy myself a Nook as my graduation present, sounds blissful doesn't it?

We did find that Magaroni likes swimming, if you have a well heated pool and a floating device shaped like a turtle! Because on Father's Day, Scott, Maggie and I lathered on the sunscreen and donned our swimsuits and headed to the pool. AND NO TEARS!!! It was great the 20 minutes we were in before there was thunder and the pool was closed for the rest of the day. But now we know we can go swimming with the babe. And I think we might try and make it a weekly thing (as long as I do not have drill) until September when they close the pools again (who has ever heard of closing a pool in Coastal NC in SEPTEMBER?). Thank goodness a friend of ours also has a pool that we can use as well.

And when it comes to exercising, well I haven't. I have been so tired lately and it has been so hot that it is just so hard to even get off the couch (not really, I do play with my child) that exercising seems way out of the picture. But I am back up to 170 pounds and NEED to start doing something SOON!!! So I think I will spend tomorrow hydrating, because I didn't today, and run Saturday morning. Sound like a plan? It does to me too. Anyone want to join me. ANYONE???? I may also get my husband to go to the gym with me at some point to show me how to use some weight machines, because well I do have a child care pass to use at the gym and I need to get my money's worth out of it.

But I think that is enough updating for now. And hopefully I get better at this- again. If I do, I think I might even have someone design the blog for me (and possibly switch back to wordpress, because I like how you add photos better).


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