Sunday, January 30, 2011

Even in failure, I will succeed!

Week 2 is always where it gets difficult for me.  I am all fired up for the weight loss the first week, so I never stray from the path.  Where I cannot be talked into lunch at a mexican restaurant.  Where I would never miss a workout.  Where I would never get a third slice of pizza.  Would you like to imagine my failure this week?  I did all three of those things.  But it gets better, I missed a workout to eat lunch at the mexican restaurant.  And I not only had a third slice of pizza, but a cinna-stick as well.

I still made good decisions.  While I skipped a workout to eat lunch at a mexican restaurant, I ate only half a burrito and about 10 chips, with water.  (Much better than my usual.)  My pizza was a medium (smaller pieces) and it had fruit on it.  The cinna stick, I have no argument for that.  And because although, I failed- I am learning how to live healthier and I am learning that I can "fail" and still lose weight.  To not let it get me down, but to bounce back and get right back at it.
I failed, but I will still reach my goal in 28 or less weeks.

And without further a-do.
This week I weighed in on Saturday morning 1.4 pounds lighter than I did last week, for a total weight loss of 4.6 pounds in just 2 weeks.  As long as I average 1 pound a week or more, I will reach my goal.  And I am not discouraged.  I am even fired up.  I bought a size 8 skirt this weekend, that fits (a little snuggly) and I can't wait to fit into comfortably and beautifully.

Here is where I stand:
Weight: 168.4
Total Weight Loss To Date: 4.6 pounds
Measurements:  bust: 38.5; waist: 35.5; hips: 41

Goals for this upcoming week:
Drink more water.
Workout more.
Track food correctly.
Have fun!


Type B Mom Stays at Home said...

Whoa whoa whoa. . . you only ate ONE cinnastick? That's the most awesome display of self-control I've ever seen! ..and thank you for your kind words. I see that you live in Jacksonville - I'm from North Carolina! Good luck this week!

Anonymous said...

WoW I could've written this post too! I'm always super pumped and then just fail miserably and painfully! Bravo on the will power this week and CONGRATULATIONS on the weight loss!!! Can't wait to hear how great you do this week!
Good luck with the food tracker, I have a hard time with this too!

Lacey said...

You are amazing Carla and I have no doubt that you will reach your goal but pass right by it. You are one of the most motivated people I know and when you want to do something you do it.

Beth Anne said...

You are doing awesome. Keep it up!!!!

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