Sunday, January 30, 2011

Even in failure, I will succeed!

Week 2 is always where it gets difficult for me.  I am all fired up for the weight loss the first week, so I never stray from the path.  Where I cannot be talked into lunch at a mexican restaurant.  Where I would never miss a workout.  Where I would never get a third slice of pizza.  Would you like to imagine my failure this week?  I did all three of those things.  But it gets better, I missed a workout to eat lunch at the mexican restaurant.  And I not only had a third slice of pizza, but a cinna-stick as well.

I still made good decisions.  While I skipped a workout to eat lunch at a mexican restaurant, I ate only half a burrito and about 10 chips, with water.  (Much better than my usual.)  My pizza was a medium (smaller pieces) and it had fruit on it.  The cinna stick, I have no argument for that.  And because although, I failed- I am learning how to live healthier and I am learning that I can "fail" and still lose weight.  To not let it get me down, but to bounce back and get right back at it.
I failed, but I will still reach my goal in 28 or less weeks.

And without further a-do.
This week I weighed in on Saturday morning 1.4 pounds lighter than I did last week, for a total weight loss of 4.6 pounds in just 2 weeks.  As long as I average 1 pound a week or more, I will reach my goal.  And I am not discouraged.  I am even fired up.  I bought a size 8 skirt this weekend, that fits (a little snuggly) and I can't wait to fit into comfortably and beautifully.

Here is where I stand:
Weight: 168.4
Total Weight Loss To Date: 4.6 pounds
Measurements:  bust: 38.5; waist: 35.5; hips: 41

Goals for this upcoming week:
Drink more water.
Workout more.
Track food correctly.
Have fun!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Training modules, laundry, and...

So I am a busy, stressed out person.

Why you might ask?
Because I have to finish my training module for work (I work in a daycare) by January 31st.  I started on it tonight.  (This is my fault- I am huge procrastinator.  I have had the module since 1/5/11.)
Because I need to do and finish laundry.  Because I have piles upon piles upon piles of laundry.  Not to mention some of this stuff needs to be packed to go into storage.
Because I need to pack.  I move in like 5 weeks and I have barely begun to pack.  Or organize.  Or well, not much of anything.  Did I mention that with this, part of my belongings are going into storage, part of my belongings (and half of my heart) are going to Afghanistan, and part of my belongings are going with me to Florida.  Yes, that is 3 different places.  EEK!
Because my house needs to be cleaned.  The floors need to be swept.  The floors need to be mopped.  The floors need to be vacuumed.  Tubs need scrubbing.  Et cetera.  Et cetera.  Et cetera.  I should take before and after pictures on the day that I do this.  You would be amazed at how clean it is gets (of course after going- OMG how did she let it get like that?!).

And I have a 14 month old running around like a crazy person.  And a to-do list a mile long that never gets done.  And... And... And...

Maybe I shouldn't be blogging, should I?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A funk

Have you ever gotten into a weird funk, where you don't want to do anything but know that you need to? Where no one is doing anything wrong, but you just want bite their heads off? Where nothing tastes good? Where nothing is satisfying? Where everything seems to go wrong even though nothing actually does?

I am there.

I think it is because- well I think there are two main reasons that I think I am in this funk. Reason number one: It is about to be that time of the month. Reason number two: my husband leaves NC on deployment for over a year in less than 6 weeks. LESS THAN SIX WEEKS!

This funk- it is affecting me. Dieting (well eating healthier) and exercising are supposed to increase energy and decrease lethargy. Me- the opposite affect. I am so lethargic and tired tonight. I have yet to move from my couch since coming home from a birthday party at 5:00pm. And I was supposed to be at work (although- in my defense- it snowed today and the snow turned into ice). I have a to-do list to prepare for this deployment a mile long. I have yet to start tackling it. My house is a disaster that I need to start packing. My husband has gear that needs to be washed and packed and organized. I have letters that need to be written. Job applications that need to be filled out. And the list goes on and on and on.

Not to mention, on top of Scott's deployment, Maggie and I are putting 90% of our belongings in storage, towing the other 10% to Florida to spend the next year in the loving home of my parents. While I know this move will help with the stress during the deployment, the move down there will be stressful, especially since it will happen within days of saying goodbye.

But how do I get out of this funk? How do I get things accomplished? How do I get out of this lethargy that I hate? How do you do it? How do you motivate yourself in spite of stress? Help, I need your help.

(I am in such a funk, I do not even want to go to bed.)

Week 1 is OVER!!!

So it's time for Week 2, RIGHT???
This week was rough as I was getting into the habit of tracking points and eating better, but I made it. I hope this upcoming week is much easier when it comes to tracking points. Mostly I just need to remember to take my journal with me every where I go so that I can track my points (because I track manually, not online.)

Lets recap this week though.
- I lost 3.2 pounds this week using Weight Watchers.
- I worked out 3 times this week. Workout 1 was Week 1 Day 1 (W1D1) of both 100 push ups and 200 sit ups AND a workout on Ea Sports Active for the Wii. Workout 2 was W1D2 of 100 push ups and 200 sit ups AND 30 minutes on the elliptical. Workout 3 was W1D3 of 100 push ups and 200 sit ups AND 10 minutes on the stairclimber (or 22 flights of stairs) AND 30 minutes on the ellip
tical. (If you remember I was going to star
t C25K, but with it being so cold right now, I can't run with my jogging stroller so I must go to the gym. And at the gym it is always so hard to find a treadmill, that I gave up waiting and just use an elliptical.)
- I ate all my points everyday and used 9 points of my weekly allowance.

Here is where I am at now.
- 169.8 lbs.
- 39.5 bust, 35.5 waist, 43.5 hips
- Here are photos of me, taken Saturday 1/22/11

My goals for next week are:
- Drink more water.
- Do not use any of my allowance points (unlikely since I have another birthday party this afternoon if it doesn't snow).
- Work out 4 days this week.
- Lay off the sweets and snacking at night.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 1

So Saturday January 15, 2011, I went to my first weight watchers meeting of the year. (If you remember, I tried this journey last year at this same time and fell off the bandwagon quickly.) I weighed in at 173. The same exact thing I weighed last year when I went to my very first weight watchers meeting. And so I tell you this.

I AM GOING TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT. Come hell or high water, I will lose the weight. I will be 30-40 pounds lighter when my husband comes home sometime in 2012. I will be able to fit into the clothes I wore BEFORE my daughter was born. I WILL. I WILL. I WILL.

So how is it? Well it is going. Saturday I started this journey on the same day that I was to celebrate my BFFs 29th birthday party. That was a fail. But the back story is this. I said way back in December I would start my diet on January 15th because 1) I wasn't going to start dieting January 1 while I was still on vacation and 2) the 15th starts a new budget period and I would be going grocery shopping.

So I started dieting January 15th on her birthday party day and only ate 35 points worth of food, meaning that while I went over my daily allowance of 29, I used some of my weekly allowance of 49. So I am still doing okay on that.

I am going to do sit ups and push ups tonight. I was going to run today, but well we are running around with car insurance and rental car companies trying to get my car fixed from an accident that happened LAST MONTH! And I cleaned for 7 hours yesterday and walked around Target for an hour. Today we are going to go shopping again. Which will no doubt mean we are walking around for at least a few hours. And I will eat well while we are out. I will, I promise.

And while I am participating in McFatty Monday, my weigh in days are Saturdays. Because that is my weight watchers meeting day and because I am only going to weigh myself once a week.

See you guys next week.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A New Year, A New Me

On January 15th, I am going to start my process for getting in shape, back down to 140 pounds and a hopeful, comfortable size 8. I want to do this before my husband returns in 2012 from Afghanistan. So about 13 months to lose 30 pounds and get my butt into shape. I am going to do this by:

1. Joining WeightWatchers (meetings and online)
2. Doing the C25K program (3 days per week)
3. Using the 100 Push-Up app on the iPhone (progressively gets you to be able to do 100 push ups straight.) (5 days per week)
4. Using the 200 Sit-Up app on the iPhone (go ahead and guess what that one is about.) (5 days per week)
5. Using P90X and/or EA Sports Active on the Wii. (3 days per week)

So if you pay attention to my math, I will be working out 6 days a week.

My actual goals (on top of losing weight and getting in shape)
1. To work out no less than 4 days a week EVERY SINGLE WEEK (please know that life happens- like illness and such).
2. To drink at least 75 ounces of water EVERY SINGLE DAY.
3. To run a 5K (3.1 miles) in about 30 minutes.
4. To be able to do 50 push ups and 75 sit ups.
5. To track my points, food intake, and liquid intake everyday.

So I will be keeping you guys updated on my journey. Hopefully once a week on weigh-in days. I hope this goes better than the last time, but I am going to "reward" myself along the way. At each ten pounds weight loss. Then if I lose all the weight and get back in shape, I will wear a very cute 2 piece bathing suit when my husband returns from Afghanistan and we go on a cruise.

So Saturday things are on. And I am not going to start on a good foot, because I am going out to dinner with friends for a friends birthday at a hibachi restaurant. But whatever. I get 49 extra points a week.

Anyone want to join me in the quest to lose weight?